Friday, September 27, 2019

Week of September 30

Welcome to HCA Joyful Music

Featuring our Nursery and Pre-K music makers

Yay! Fall is here.  It is my favorite time of year.  In our Nursery and Pre-K music classes we are
celebrating all things fall.  We started off celebrating Johnny Appleseed's birthday with apple chants and songs.  October brings songs about pumpkins, leaves and of course, Halloween.  

Our Nursery and Pre-K students have been learning Way Up High in the Apple Tree which is a popular preschool poem.  We made it a chant with a swing beat and we have been having lots of fun with it.  Check out the video of our Pre-K students below.  The words of  the chant are listed below the video so you can try it at home with your child.

Way up high in the apple tree,
I saw two little apples smiling at me.
I shook that tree as hard as I could.
Down came the apples.
Mmm, they were good!
Mmm, mmm, mmm 
Mmm, they were good!

Our Nursery students enjoyed learning The Johnny Appleseed Song  by Ed Stivender.  They especially liked the refrain as you can see below.

"Rain falls. Sun shines. Trees grow, apples, woah!"

Our Nursery students also enjoyed a play along/dance along to Buckwheat Zydeco's Choo Choo Boogaloo.  Where there's zydeco music, there's always a party!  You can see we had a great time playing and moving to the music. 

Dancing helps develop a child's sense of rhythm.  Put on your favorite music at home and have a dance party!

Week of June 1

Welcome to HCA Joyful Music Featuring our Early Childhood Music Makers As our school year comes to a close, I am reflecting on all the fun a...