Welcome to HCA Joyful Music
Featuring our Early Childhood Music Makers
Over the last couple of weeks we have been having all sorts of fall fun in music class. We have been singing and chanting about apples and learning chants and songs about fall. This week all of the children were introduced to Vivaldi's Four Seasons, Autumn. The students used scarves to move to the music. The children were encouraged make their movements reflect the tempo and mood of the music, as well as whether the melody was high or low in pitch.
Our Pre-K and Kindergarten learned about the string family of the orchestra (violin, viola, cello and double bass). As they listened to Vivaldi's Autumn they were encouraged to listen for the different instruments.
As we begin October, we have started with pumpkin songs and chants and other Halloween fun. The child love these activities and are having so much fun with them.
Our Nursery 2 students always enjoy a good play along.
Our Nursery 3 class really liked the Way Up High in the Apple Tree chant.
Our Pre-K students enjoyed listening and moving to the music of Vivaldi.
Our Kindergarten students are having fun learning new rhythm patterns with the