Thursday, November 5, 2020

Week of November 2

Welcome to HCA Joyful Music

Featuring our Early Childhood Music Makers

As October ends and November begins, in music classes we have transitioned from Halloween and pumpkins to Thanksgiving and other fall themes.  The children are busy preparing for our Thanksgiving Prayer Service. They  will  also be learning songs, chants and other activities that feature themes of creation, fall, gratitude and Thanksgiving.   The children are becoming more comfortable with one another and their singing voices are beginning to shine.

Our Pre-K and Kindergarten have begun to learn about dynamics in music.  We have listened to different pieces of music and discussed how a change in dynamics can change the mood and feel of the music.   The both classes are learning to distinguish loud and soft pieces of music.

Our Nursery 2 class starts each music class with our Hello Everybody song.  They love singing hello to each of their classmates and hearing their names sung as part of our greeting to begin each class.   It is sweet to see how excited the children are to greet each other and to see their developing friendships.

Our Nursery 3 class really enjoyed using the canopy scarf to move to Sailing SongWe used the scarf to "create waves" and we changed our movements to reflect the form of the music.


The Pre-K is learning a new fall poem entitled Leaves which introduces changes in dynamics as a form of expression.

Our Kindergarten enjoyed listening to samples of classical music from various periods which feature loud and soft dynamics.  They have been introduced to the musical terms piano (soft) and  forte (loud) and the musical notation for each.  As they listened  to each piece of music they pointed to p (piano) or (forte) to indicate the dynamics they were hearing and changes in dynamics.

Week of June 1

Welcome to HCA Joyful Music Featuring our Early Childhood Music Makers As our school year comes to a close, I am reflecting on all the fun a...