Friday, May 14, 2021

Week of May 10


Welcome to HCA Joyful Music

Featuring our Early Childhood Music Makers

We are rounding out our year in music class with friendship, fun and movement.  The children have been learning some  entertaining dances, such as The Chicken Dance and The Macarena.  Maybe you can try them with your child as home. They can show you their dance moves! 

We have also been preparing for the end of the school by learning to sing songs about kindness and friendship.  The children are doing very well with these songs. (You may have heard them singing at home.)

Kindergarten Composers!
The Musical Alphabet

The PsP Bells App

Our Kindergarten class is coming to the culmination of their music composition project.  Each child has used the Musical Alphabet, the PsP Bells app on the iPad, and colored markers to write several original 4 beat measures.  This week each child chose one measure to be part of our original Kindergarten song.  The children wrote their measure on sentence strip which we will arrange as a class into musical phrases and finally a song.  

It has been so much fun watching the children in their creative process! They are making musical  discoveries and sharing their music with friends! 

Week of June 1

Welcome to HCA Joyful Music Featuring our Early Childhood Music Makers As our school year comes to a close, I am reflecting on all the fun a...