Welcome to HCA Joyful Music!
Featuring our Early Childhood Music Makers
Our early childhood music classes allow our students to have a fun musical experience and help them develop as young musicians. Addtionally, our music classes help to reinforce other skills such as: language development, socialization, listening, following directions. auditory memory and so much more!
Our Nursery 2 students had fun this week singing and acting out the song Five Green and Speckled Frogs. This music activity helps to reinforce a counting lesson Ms. Kerno introduced to the children last week. As the children sang and acted out the song, they also worked on listening, following directions and identifying numbers 1 - 5. They had great fun pretending to be the frogs and jumping into the pond. You can view their froggy fun here.
Our Kindergarten students are continuing to work on their composition unit with the Musical Alphabet. This week they began composing and writing various 4 beat measures. This activity helps to develop music literacy as well as decoding, visual discrimination, color correspondence and math skills. Composing and playing their own music gives the children a real sense of ownership and accomplishment. They are doing a wonderful job with the unit. We are on our way to composing our original Kindergarten song!