Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Week of April 12


Welcome to HCA Joyful Music

Featuring our Early Childhood Music Makers 

Kindergarten Composers!

The Musical Alphabet

     The Kindergarten class has begun experimenting with creating  their own original pieces of music.  We are using what I call the “Musical Alphabet” as a tool for the children to create their own 4 beat measures.  The Montessori moveable alphabet was the inspiration for this project.  Instead of choosing letters to spell words,  the children are choosing color coded music notes to create measures.
    The children were introduced to the Musical Alphabet this week. After creating their 4 beat measure they play it using an iPad app with corresponding colored bells. Each child will create & write a 4 beat measure which we will arrange in phrases and eventually a whole song! 


Week of June 1

Welcome to HCA Joyful Music Featuring our Early Childhood Music Makers As our school year comes to a close, I am reflecting on all the fun a...